
We Invite You To Become Our Affiliate


One of the ways to help spread the word about our series, and to help yourself at the same time, is to become our affiliate.

Often people don’t want to sign-up for an affiliate program because there’s a sales pitch involved. In this case, it’s different. Here’s how:

When you become an affiliate of  Teaching What We Need To Learn we will provide you with a special link with which to invite listeners to the series. When someone you’ve invited uses the link, from that point forward they are connected to you.

Many months from now, when we offer a digital package of the series for sale, and also an online learning program, any purchasers that your listeners make is split 50-50 with you. In general, that means you’re able to make a little money for helping draw attention to the series without ever having to ask people to buy anything.

To join our affiliate program, visit

Thank you!