Ram Dass

Ram Dass

Ram Dass

Ram Dass first travelled to India in 1967 as Dr. Richard Alpert, an eminent Harvard psychologist. There he met his guru, Neem Karoli Baba (affectionately known as Maharaj-ji), who gave Ram Dass his name, which means “servant of God.” Upon his return from India, Ram Dass became a pivotal cultural influence and has served as a guiding light for over forty years, carrying millions along on the journey. He is the author of the landmark book, “Be Here Now” and co-founder of the Seva Foundation and lives in Maui, Hawaii.

Ram Dass is pleased to announce the release of his latest book (with Rameshwar Das), Be Love Now: the Path of the Heart. Combining timeless teaching stories, personal anecdotes, and soul-stirring insights, Be Love Now shares Ram Dass’ rich experiences while offering enduring insight into what is most important in life and in our lives.

Website: www.ramdass.org

Sounds True: www.soundstrue.com/authors/Ram_Dass


